There a project to build a Linux-based smartphone was allowed to exist in the research labs, but was attacked from within as soon as it emerged as a commercial product. 当时诺基亚希望推出一款基于Linux系统的智能手机,该项目在实验室阶段一直安然无恙,然而正当该项目准备进军商业市场的时候,公司内部却响起反对的声音。
You are free to use another servlet container& either an open-source one or a commercial product like IBM WebSphere Application Server. 当然您也可以使用其他的servlet容器,无论是开放源代码产品,还是IBMWebSphereApplicationServer这样的商业产品。
Lotus Notes was the first important commercial product to use RSA cryptography, and from that point on, users considered security as a prime feature of Lotus Notes. LotusNotes是采用RSA加密的第一种重要的商业产品,此后用户将安全看作是LotusNotes的主要特点之一。
WPT is no longer being enhanced, because it proved useful enough during trial stages to move into continued development as a commercial product. 现在不再将WPT进行增强了,因为在试验阶段证明了它非常有用,可以将其作为商业产品继续开发。
For the commercial product, let's take VMWare as the example. 对于商业产品,我们以VMWare为例。
Glue is a commercial product that maps between the platform differences of XML. Glue是一用来映射平台间XML的差别的商业产品。
Turning an open project into a commercial product is an involved process, but it is essentially the same process that corporations endure when they productize an internal project. 将一个开放项目转变成一个工业品是一个渐进的过程,但它从本质上与公司在产品化其内部的项目时所经历的过程是一样的。
In many cases, the source code for the Classic Registry function is not available for modifications but the Classic Registry function is available as a commercial product. 在许多情况下,ClassicRegistry功能的源代码不能用于修改,但是ClassicRegistry功能可作为一个商业产品使用。
Since VMWare is a commercial product, it's not free. 由于VMWare是一个商业产品,所以它不是免费的。
Sencha is a company with a core commercial product offering, but it also supports open source software. Sencha是一家拥有核心商业产品的公司,但是也支持开源软件。
RadRails combined with other Eclipse plug-ins offers a world-class IDE with features comparable to almost any other commercial product. 结合了其他Eclipse插件的RadRails可以提供一流的IDE,其特性可以与几乎所有其他商业产品相媲美。
With the commercial product, the default set-up is to have a server-to-client mechanism where the clients are backed up to the server either to the disk, typically a SAN file-system, or to a tape library. 对于这种商业产品,默认设置是采用服务器到客户端的机制,客户端被备份到服务器,可能是备份到磁盘(通常是一种SAN文件系统),也可能是备份到磁带库。
IBM Systems Director is a commercial product based on these principles and provides a number of availability monitoring, notification, and centralized management capabilities. IBMSystemsDirector是基于这些准则的一个商业产品,提供大量可用性监控、通知和集中管理功能。
Komodo is a commercial product. Komodo是一个商业产品。
It might take several open source tools to match the functionality of one commercial product. 可能要多个开放源代码工具组合起来才能比得上单个商业化产品的功能。
The experimental Duke device, known as AWARE-2, is a long way from being a commercial product. 杜克大学研发的这款实验性相机名为AWARE-2,其要实现商业化生产还需很长一段时间。
But the technology that underpins them is still immature, and no company has actually shipped a commercial product yet. 但支撑它们的技术还不成熟,目前也没有哪家公司真正推出过商业化产品。
Following is a commercial product guide for your information. 以下是我们的商业保险产品列表。
Before reviewing stevioside again, the committee considered that it would be necessary to develop specifications to ensure that the material tested was representative of the commercial product. 再次评估甜菊糖前,委员会认为必须为甜菊糖制订性质规范,确保化验物能代表有关商品。
Besides the above benefits, the deliverables of the project could be readily converted into a design-intensive high-value-added commercial product in a relatively short duration. 另外,该项目完成后,可在短时间内方便地转化为设计密集型的高附加值商用产品。
However, recently NCover was turned into a commercial product. 然而,最近NCover已经转变为一个商业产品。
The US export control laws make it illegal for companies to use military agent technology on commercial product that ends up in markets that are on the US control list. 美国出口管制法规定:最终在美国管制清单内的市场里销售掉的商业产品运用军事代理技术是违法的。
A second goal for Azul is to see a commercial product comprising of optimised Linux and OpenJDK, though this will depend on vendor participation and support. Azul的第二个目标是希望能有商业产品使用优化的Linux和OpenJDK,但这取决于厂商的参与和支持。
Flex Builder is a commercial product, but it has a long free trial period that will give you enough time to figure out if it's worth your money. FlexBuilder是个商业产品,但它有很长的免费试用阶段,能让你有足够时间想清楚是不是值得掏这个钱。
A Comparative Study on the Quality of Trail-product Bezafibrate Sustained-release Tablets with Foreign Commercial Product 试制苯扎贝特缓释片与国外市售品质量对比研究
It can be used in the hydration of isobutylene and show good conversion rate which close to or beyond the domestic commercial product of the same kind. 此阳离子催化树脂具有特定形状,易于装填,且用不合格白球作为原料,可降低成本,用于催化异丁烯水合反应,优化工艺条件后转化率接近或超出国内同类产品。
How about further development as a commercial product? 如果作为一个商业产品,如果进一步发展?
Re-posted messages form a long thread in which pictures remain visible, and such a conversation makes it much easier for a commercial product or service to go "viral". 被转发的信息形成了一条长线,但其中的图片仍然清晰可见,这种交流方式更便于商业产品或服务的“病毒式”传播。
Mingle represents ThoughtWorks'first foray into commercial product development for the masses. Mingle代表了ThoughtWorks在面向大众的商业产品开发领域的第一场战役。
The commercial product however, containing silica and silicates, has a positive effect. 然而含有硅石和硅酸盐的工业品都有肯定的效果。